This is a short story about a dead man who is alive. You, yes You reading this text can also became dead yet alive.                             


Hello, my name is Aaryn . I am just a common boy managing time out of my school to spend my time doing fun with my friends . I always wake up late, play video game and spend my time. My mom and dad always scolds me but i never care. I think this world is full of happiness and joy and everyone is doing well in their life .  

BUT my life changed due to a  incident. My life changed when i meet someone very special. It was a common day as usual . I woke up late washed my face, and got ready for my school . My mom was scolding me and she was very upset because of my activity. Even then i didn't cared because i knew this gonna happen everyday . That day there was a function in my school , yes that old  math teacher taking retirement of this boring job . That day the school was over faster than the usual time. I was walking alone in the road singing some rock songs but i stopped when i saw a old homeless man crying , taking all his emotion out in the form of tear . I asked him "what happened" ? Suddenly he stopped and looked me with a fear in his face and he started asking me for some food . I gave my  snacks to that old man, he just grabbed it and ate so hurriedly . I asked him the reason behind his upset face . He told me to sit beside and  started his story .

He was a high born lad from a rich family . In his entire childhood he got every thing he wanted . He never struggled in this life and one day he met his soulmate in a golf tournament . AT his first look he liked that girl and proposed her . He was a rich handsome young man so any girl would accept his purpose .  After sometime they married , got some children and lived there happy love life. There children got younger and left the house to settle down. Now the young handsome man was old weak man Living with his only happiness which was his wife. But the happiness didn't last forever , she was diagnosed with cancer and the thought about her children made her condition more wore day by day.  Now, She was living her last days thinking about her children who left them in their old days. After some month she died and the old man was alone just left with a broken heart . He gave his entire property to the church in the name of her wife . He was roaming here and there missing his love and his children in his old left days . 

When he stopped his story , my eyes was fully filled with tears and i told him you deserve much more better life than this . I offered him some money and cloth but he rejected and said if you offered this money to a poor guy he would happily accept it but you can never give happiness to a dead man . He stood up grabbed my hand and said take care of your parent's if you don't want them to be like me one day . By saying this he gave me a pleasant smile and left.

       THANK YOU!

There are thousand of broken people on the road whose children left them in there old days . They deserve far more better life and it's all on our hand. They seem alive from outside but are dead from inside . 

Take care of parent because you are also going to be parent one day. It's all karma 🙏🏼.